LUCKY 7 is the feature where we ask artists to name their 6 favourite songs by others, and a lucky 7th song of their own…


Located beneath Australia, the small island of Tasmania houses A.Swayze & the Ghosts, an exhilarating new garage-punk band. They say desperation breeds genius but often, desperation just breeds further desperation and in an effort to cope with this The Ghosts headed down the yellow brick road of self destruction. “Writing songs in our shitty house share and killing ourselves at gigs in front of 30-40 people”, this is a band who knows you have to pay your dues and suffer for your art and the result is some of the freshest punk rock from to land on the scene this year.

Want to know what makes these Tasmanian Devils tick? Find out as we pass you over to Andrew from A.SWAZYE & THE GHOSTS with their lucky 7…

1.Wipers – ‘Over the Edge’
Opening with a classic is a move we learnt from Elvis Presley. Over the Edge is quintessential punk and a song that we can put on at any time and get absolutely pumped. I’m sure many listeners know the sensation and we’re glad to be four of them.

2. These New South Whales – ‘Meat Hook’
TNSW are our Aus crush band and their debut album is a big listening point for us. The opener ‘Meat Hook’ has always grabbed me and sets the tone for the record perfectly.

3. Charly Bliss – ‘Glitter’
I get so much satisfaction listening to this track of pop rock perfection. CB are the ultimate balance of pleasurable, easy listening teamed with awesome hooks and late 90s keys solos.

4. black midi – ‘Crow’s Perch’
I’ve been listening to this song almost non-stop since label mates black midi released it. I popped it on for the others recently and I can safely say there are 3 more black midi fans in Tasmania. Very excited for their record to come out.

5. Voiid – ‘Not for You’
We had the privilege of touring with Voiid and they are a magnificent machine of grimey punk. This isn’t a tokenistic inclusion because of gender, it’s just honestly great to give Voiid the credit they deserve as hard working, skilled musicians and outspoken song writers.


6. Holograms – ‘Amor Fati’
I found Holograms at a time when we were trying to avoid cornering ourselves in to writing thrashing “punk” punk songs 24/7. Holograms are a refreshing reminder that a mix of uplifting, pumping punk songs, and darker melancholy alt anthems make a great listening experience.

LUCKY 7: A. Swayze & The Ghosts – ‘Suddenly’
How can I not love this song? A passionate exhibition of our strong belief in equality for all, bundled in a bopping punk number AND I GET TO PLAY IT! We owe a lot to this song and the people involved in its inception, production and presentation. Thank you!
