Guns N Roses, before we go on, you know how hard they rock. You also know they’re still one of best bands in the world. But last week some reviews suggested otherwise…

Following Glastonbury, which had its best line-up ever, there was a lot in the press about their performance. But to be honest, who gives a shit? They have the songs, Duff looks better than he did when he was young and Slash’s muscle memory for greatness will never fail him.

A lot has been said about Axl’s voice but the man still has it. And in 2019 our review we said it was better than ever. Truth is when he’s singing in a lower register he can out perform almost anyone. Axl sounds as good as ever and this is where he shines. To be fair the high notes are eluding him; On stage he sounded great, less so from the toilets. But who the fuck goes to see Guns N Roses from the bogs?

Who da best? Slash is

Maybe someone trusted should just tell Axl to keep to a lower register. His voice has changed and grown as he’s aged but you know what, he’s a legend and can do what he wants. Only support band The Darkness’ Justin Hawkins can still hit those ball crushing notes anyway. Filling the other support slot, Chrissie Hynde hasn’t lost it at all. Her voice is pure elegance and The Pretenders are due a resurgence. Chrissie really is quite special.

So ignoring Axl’s mischievous high notes, what a gig! What a band! What a merch stand! This was an insane night of fun, of rock and of legends. Playing a 3hr set, this was a night of outrageous joy. I mean seriously, name me a better classic live band other than Foo Fighters, Reef, Extreme, The Eels, Pearl Jam… well okay, we’re blessed with greatness but GNR are still at the top.

With a career spanning set, the band still look fresh. Occasionally it’s ironic that a man named Slash looks like he needs a giant poo but his playing is faultless. And on this summer night it was a wee bit damp, November Rain was more like June Spitting but the lack of sun didn’t put out anyone’s fire.

Ignore the haters, they may no longer be the most dangerous band in the world but Guns N Roses are still one of the best.