Mr Big’s rock classic ‘To Be With You’ hits a staggering 100m views on YouTube.

Extreme’s mega-hit ‘More Than Words’ paved the way for bands showing their softer sides and’To Be With You’ was the only song that came close Nuno Bettencourt and Gary Cherone’s acoustic brilliance.

For many guitarists the highlight of the song was Paul Gilbert’s guitar solo. With melodic flourishes that were both tastefully restrained yet flamboyant, it’s the kind of solo that makes every guitarist cry at Paul’s effortless brilliance.

‘To Be With You’ is also the finest example of a key change you’ll ever hear in a song. ‘To Be With You’ is also a gateway drug into Gilbert’s highly impressive chops, as featured on other Big classics such as ‘Green Tinted 60s Mind’. And the only thing louder than Paul playing Black Sabbath on the double bass is the sound of the internet’s jaws dropping.