with ZEE of

“SONG FOR TATTOO” is the feature where artists & music people beloved by BAD TATTOO choose an obscure song they’ve been listening to that day. Having previously blessed us with their Lucky 7, today’s guest is Zee, band leader of the phenomenal Queen Zee. I first saw Queen Zee support Marmozets earlier this year. For me however, Queen Zee were the headline act. Since then I’ve been telling anyone who’ll listen to check out them out. A band that brings to mind the heydays of Smashing Pumpkins and Placebo, Zee boast excellent songs, great writing, killer riffs, loud distorted guitars and driving vocals, all played with a punk ferocity. I’m gushing, I know, but this is how rock should be.

Queen Zee

Iggy Pop Approved

Earlier this year the great Iggy Pop described Queen Zee as “Strange people from Liverpool. I don’t wanna say they’re dirty, they look a little weird, but they rock like crazy”. That’s quite the accolade from the man with the transparent trousers.

Reserved for legendary bands and beloved Bad Tattoo artists, Queen Zee are the youngest (in band years) to be featured by us so far. It’s well deserved and it was us that were honoured when Zee accepted our request for a Song for Ewe…

The Chats – ‘Smoko’

“I’ve embraced the mullet lifestyle recently and then this lil ripper came along. I love anything that it’s arsey and a bit aggro. There’s a whole punk scene in Australia at the moment filled with mullets. What a time to be alive.”

For more on Queen Zee visit: