Drenge Band

Fans who purchased the band’s excellent new album ‘Strange Creatures’ from Rough Trade Nottingham were treated to a rare in-store gig, signing/meet & greet with the brothers Drenge. Surrounded by more carrier bags than you’d find under a granny’s sink, fans gathered eagerly clutching their newly purchased music. Rough Trade’s fabulous gig venue then proceeded to be blessed with techno re-workings of ‘Strange Creatures’, already containing shades of Depche Mode and Gary Numan it proved a natural fit for an electronic incarnation, backed by Drenge’s deep, driving signature bass lines.

Self-deprecating and genuinely funny, singer Eoin repeatedly apologised for the lo-fi nature of the gig. The charisma spilled off the stage as the band continued to demonstrate just how talented they are. With Rory ditching the drum stool for bass and Eoin leaving his grunge guitar at home, they arrived armed with more pre-programmed electronica than Mr Numan himself. It was a brave move borne out of practicality but artistically and musically it worked a treat.

After the gig, the lads stuck around to meet their adoring crowd. One thing that stood out was how much time Drenge had for their fans. Whether you were first in line or last in the queue, everyone was blessed with more than their squiggle. I honestly don’t think I’ve known a band to be that accommodating. It clearly surprised and delighted the Rough Trade groupies and for me cemented Drenge as some of the nicest, coolest guys in rock.

Rating: Rough Trade Remix Heaven – Techno Techno Techno Grunge
