QUEEN ZEE REVIEW – Nottingham Rescue Rooms, Live, 08-02-2018

Queen Zee

Queen Zee hit the stage like they’re headlining Wembley Stadium, unleashing their anthemic don’t-give-a-f*ck-punk on Nottingham’s Rescue Rooms. Like that bastard child of Johnny Rotten and Brian Molko, who had an affair with David Bowie, held hands with Kurt Cobain, flirted with Billy Corgan then copped off with Joan Jett, Queen Zee boast a set of beautifully crafted punk songs played with passion, energy and intensity.

(Want to know what makes up the band’s DNA? Check out Queen Zee’s Bad Tattoo Lucky 7)

Queen Zee are also a band with a message of support for LGBT rights and diversity. That’s not to say this is an insular band for the LGBT community only, they’re not, this is about acceptance. And if there’s any justice in the world Queen Zee will cross over.

Ashley and Zee during a rare moment of calm in their energetic set

Tonight Queen Zee were supporting Marmozets, a band who deserve credit for taking them on the road and exposing Queen Zee to a larger audience. In truth Marmozets weren’t my thing (that’s okay, they don’t need me) but as a gateway drug to acts with more edge, Marmozets could be the band young people need right now.

Queen Zee - Jay, Frankie and Dave

Jay and Not So Slient Bob: Guitarist Jay, Bassist Frankie and Drummer Dave.

Queen Zee are stunning to look at, excellent musicians and fantastic song writers, which culminates in a killer live act. This is exactly how music should be: Loud, angry and rebellious, with meticulously crafted songs and something to say. The number of Queen Zee t-shirts in the audience also bodes well for Liverpool quintet’s headline tour in April. Queen Zee go down as the best new (to me) band of 2018 and I don’t care if it’s only February, they won’t be dethroned.

Rating: F#cking excellent*

*My post gig review delivered to the band, drummer Dave said I should just write that but I thought I should add some more words. 


