Sand & Stone Live Review – The Stag – 02/03/2024

Words and pictures by Jayson Worsfold (Homebug Photography)

Sand & Stone Live Review – The Stag – 02/03/2024. Sand & Stone are the Folkestone based band that won over viewers on The Voice UK. Fast forward a few years and Abi and Tom Dixon have evolved an energetic powerful sound. 

Tonight’s shindig is in the village Challock, near Canterbury. The Stag is a lively horse racing themed venue, boasting obscure beverages, a lovely atmosphere and, according to singer/guitarist Tom, they serve the best Vegan burger for miles. 

The Stag

I’d never been to The Stag before but as soon as I heard Tom’s contagious laugh, I knew it was going to be a brilliant show. Singer Abi (also Tom’s sister) told me it was going to be a great night as they were debuting not one, but two new songs. 

Read more reviews from Bad Tattoo here

Tonight Sand & Stone played a 2-hour set. Fresh off the release of their album ‘From Trees to Seas’, the show pulled off to a flying start with the song ‘Shotgun Blues’. This is a personal favourite of mine and was played hard. With heads bopping and hips swinging, Sand & Stone were alive and ready to show they mean business.

Next up was their excellent new single ‘Simple Man’, featuring Folkestone singer Samuel Ashton. Adrenaline was high and, with knowing nods of approval between the Dixon siblings, the night was quickly gathering pace.

Good things are on the way

During a break, Sand & Stone chatted with locals, laughed with the bar staff and filled me in on their future plans. To me it all sounds very exciting, with skate parks and summer festivals all planned. Abi also shared her love of art, as a Folkestone based tattooist and artist. Good things are on the way!

Sand and Stone live at the Stag

After the break Sand & Stone were untouchable. It’s amazing to witness a band share their love of music. Their energy is also incredibly infectious. Taking on solo duties, Tom broke into new song ‘Let The Storm Pass’, with sister Abi in awe of her brother’s performance.

More songs passed and jokes were had with the audience. It was however clear that Sand & Stone are a serious band, ready to play anywhere and in front of anyone. And not just the Voice UK judges.

I Wanna Be Like You

There were songs about relationship breakdowns and how “chicks don’t like rock n’ roll dancing guys”. There were also songs that touched on the ups and downs of life. We had a couple of covers thrown in too, which kept the tempo high. These included ‘Hit The Road’ and a well executed version of the Jungle Book classic ‘I Wanna Be Like You!’ 

Sand and Stone live at the Stag

Tonight’s setlist never dipped and the pedal never left the floor. In between songs there was storytelling, playful comments and laughs that showed these guys have everything under control. We heard you and yes, if this is the sound of things to come, I can’t wait to see where Sand & Stone are going.

Sand & Stone’s new single ‘From Trees to Seas’ is available on Spotify and Apple music. 


